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               Imperial Japan      The monarch and head of the Japanese Royal Family is known as the Emperor. According to the Japanese Constitution, he is the representation of the nation's unity and the state, and his position derives from "the will of the people with whom sovereign power resides." The imperial succession is governed by Imperial Household Law. The Japanese Supreme Court has no authority to bring charges against the emperor. He serves as the supreme leader of the Shinto faith [4]. The name Tenn (pronounced [tenno]), which means "Emperor of heaven" or "Heavenly Sovereign," is used to refer to the emperor in Japanese.           The Yamato Dynasty, also known as the Imperial House of Japan, has its historical roots in the late Kofun period, which lasted from the third to the sixth centuries AD. It is one of the oldest dynasties in the world. The mythical narratives of the Kojiki and Nihon...
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                      "MERMAID"       A mermaid is a fish-like aquatic creature with a body that resembles a woman up to the waist but resembles a woman from the waist down. Mermaids are legendary beings. creatures that are both human and animal. Mermaids are frequently linked to perilous occurrences including floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drowning. Mermaids are depicted as being friendly and giving in other traditions (or occasionally even within the same tradition), giving gifts or falling in love with humans.            Several societies around the world, including those in the Near East, Europe, Africa, and Asia, include mermaid tales in their folklore. The legend of a goddess named Atargatis who transformed into a mermaid out of guilt after accidentally killing her beloved initially surfaced in Ancient Assyria. The sea god Ea or Oannes, who is depicted as a merman, was worship...
      Red Sea "ARABIC"              The Red Sea is around 2,250 km (1,400 mi) long, 355 km (221 km) wide at its widest point, and has a surface area of about 438,000 km2 (169,000 sq mi)[1]. Its maximum depth of 3,040 m is found in the central Suakin Trough, and its average depth is 490 m (1,610 ft) (9,970 ft).  Extensive shallow shelves of the Red Sea are also known for their corals and marine life. More than 1,000 invertebrate species as well as 200 different kinds of soft and hard coral can be found in the ocean. It has been named a Global 200 ecoregion and is the most northern tropical sea in the world.          Ancient Egyptians tried to build trade routes to Punt, therefore they began the oldest recorded exploration of the Red Sea. There were two such expeditions, one in the year 2500 BC and the other in the year 1500 BC (by Hatshepsut). Both required lengthy trips via the Red Sea. [14] The Israelites c...

            The Pyramid in Egypt          Ancient conquerors and travelers were enthralled by the Egyptian pyramids, and today's tourists, mathematicians, and archeologists who visit, investigate, measure, and describe them are still in awe of them. Mastabas, or bench-shaped mounds, were used as the early Egyptian monarchs' tombs. Imhotep, King Djoser's architect, constructed the first pyramid around 2780 BCE by stacking six mastababas, each smaller than the one below, to create a pyramid that rose in steps. This Step Pyramid is located at Sakkara, close to Memphis, on the western bank of the Nile River. It has a number of rooms and tunnels, including the king's burial chamber, just like later pyramids.         Under the rule of King Snefru, the Fourth Dynasty's founder, the Step Pyramid was converted into a real, smooth-sided pyramid (2680–2560 BCE). A step pyramid was constructed at Medum, then it was...
          Australian natives         The various Indigenous peoples of the Australian mainland and many of its islands, such as those of Tasmania, Fraser Island, Hinchinbrook Island, the Tiwi Islands, and Groote Eylandt, are considered to be Aboriginal Australians. The Torres Strait Islands are not included in this definition. Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders are referred to jointly as "Indigenous Australians." When both groups are being discussed, it is typically used. Despite substantial cultural interchange with some of the Aboriginal groups, Torres Strait Islanders maintain their unique ethnicity and culture. While being largely a part of Queensland, the Torres Strait Islands are governed differently.            Indigenous Australians are a diverse group of people who have lived in Australia for over 50,000 years. These peoples have a genetic background that is broadly shared but c...
           River Nile         A significant river in northeastern Africa that flows north is the Nile.  Into the Mediterranean Sea it empties. The Amazon River, according to some studies, is just a little bit longer than the Nile, which is the largest river in Africa and has historically been regarded as the longest river in the world. According to yearly water flow measured in cubic meters, the Nile is one of the smaller of the world's great rivers. Its drainage basin, which stretches over eleven nations including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Republic of the Sudan, and Egypt, is approximately 6,650 kilometers (4,130 mi) long.  The main water source for Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan is specifically the Nile.            The White Nile and the Blue Nile are the Nile's two main tributaries. The headwaters stream is...
          Danau Toba, a popular Indonesian tourist destination          An incredible natural wonder of the globe is Lake Toba. An island about the size of Singapore sits in the middle of this gigantic crater lake. Lake Toba resembles an ocean more than a lake because of its 1,145 square kilometers and 450 meters in depth. One of the world's deepest lakes, this one is also the largest lake in Southeast Asia.          Toba is a place to unwind, take in the stunning surroundings, and take it all in. Your problems will go as you sit and take in the scene of the picturesque mountains contrasted with the refreshingly clear lake. The lake's elevation of 900 meters above sea level results in a milder temperature that provides a welcome respite from the heat, humidity, and pollution of the city.      Medan is a global entry point for Air. There are numerous daily flights from the Kualan...