Imperial Japan The monarch and head of the Japanese Royal Family is known as the Emperor. According to the Japanese Constitution, he is the representation of the nation's unity and the state, and his position derives from "the will of the people with whom sovereign power resides." The imperial succession is governed by Imperial Household Law. The Japanese Supreme Court has no authority to bring charges against the emperor. He serves as the supreme leader of the Shinto faith [4]. The name Tenn (pronounced [tenno]), which means "Emperor of heaven" or "Heavenly Sovereign," is used to refer to the emperor in Japanese. The Yamato Dynasty, also known as the Imperial House of Japan, has its historical roots in the late Kofun period, which lasted from the third to the sixth centuries AD. It is one of the oldest dynasties in the world. The mythical narratives of the Kojiki and Nihon...
According to the Global Power City Index, Dubai is the world's cleanest city.
According to the GPCI ranking, Dubai has been the cleanest city for the past three years. The GPCI rates cities according to six key criteria: economy, R&D, interaction between cultures, liveability, environment, and accessibility.
For the third year running, Dubai has been deemed the cleanest city in the world. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, made the announcement on Twitter. According to the Global Power City Index (GPCI) published by Japan's Mori Memorial Foundation, Dubai has also earned its reputation as the world's safest and most beautiful city.
In a tweet, Sheikh Mohammed emphasized the value of cleanliness, saying it is essential to civilization, culture, and faith. He pledged to uphold the city's stability, prosperity, and safety.
The GPCI, released by the Mori Memorial Foundation's Institute for Urban Strategies, ranks the world's largest cities according to their "magnetism," or general capacity to draw tourists, investors, and capital from throughout the world.
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